Benefit Concert for Japan 001

Raise Funds and Awareness for Japanese Relief Effort



   Tempei Nakamura (composer pianist)

   Urban Tango Trio

        Machiko Ozawa, violin

        Octavio Brunetti, piano

        Pedro Giraudio, bass

Supported by

    West End Presbyterian Church
    Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA)

Artist info

     Tempei Nakamura Official Website

     Machiko Ozawa Official Website


80 people attended the concert and an $1817.83 donation was raised. Thank you for your generous contribution.

-All profits from the sales of tickets were donated toward GiveOne, the Center for Public Resources Development (CPRD) in Tokyo through the Japan Center for International Exchange (JCIE/USA). Half of the funds raised will go directly to GiveOne to support NPO/NGOs working in the devastated area, and the remaining 50 percent will be used to establish a separate fund to support Japanese NGOs engaged in long-term reconstruction efforts. GiveOne provides immediate support to registered Japan’s leading emergency relief initiatives such as:

-Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR, Japan)

-Association of Medical Doctors in Asia (AMDA)

-Japan Platform


-Nippon International Cooperation for Community Development (NICCO)

-PeaceWinds Japan


このたびの公演では80名のゲストと$1817.83の寄付が集まり、この収益は米国法人 日本交流センターJCIE災害復興支援基金へ全額寄付されました。このファンドにおいて、義援金の50%は緊急支援義援金として日本の特別非営利活動保人パブリックリソースセンター運営のGiveOneに送られ、東日本大震災被災地救援のための活動を行っている登録6団体(リンク参照)へ分配されました。残りの50%は中長期復興支援のために使われます。

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